6 research outputs found

    Antecedents of Trust: A Case study between Karachi and Dubai Facebook Shoppers

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    In the adoption of online shopping, the main issue faced by consumers is the development of trust. Consumers are unable to physically examine the products before making a purchase. The study aims to find out the factors that develop trust in Facebook shopping through case study analysis.聽 A designed questionnaire was circulated to gather the data from participants. The participants included in the study were the shoppers of Facebook. An aggregate of 270 structured questionnaires was circulated in Karachi and Dubai out of which 225 were considered in the study. For the data analyses, demographic statistics frequency and bar chart and descriptive statistics, have been applied. The study concludes that online firms need to design separate strategies plus framework and for both the cities. Countries despite having similar cultural values vary greatly due to geographical distances. Online suppliers must focus on developing interpersonal trust by providing exchange and return policies to consumers that will reduce the risk to an extent and build trust between the store and Facebook shoppers

    Wp艂yw technologii Blockchain na zr贸wnowa偶on膮 wydajno艣膰 w zarz膮dzaniu 艂a艅cuchem dostaw

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    This article discussed the major effect of blockchain technology for sustainable performance in Supply chain management (SCM). Blockchain technology is a technology that performs several operations without letting the information get lost. This digital technology of blockchain will show the potential to reshape the management of supply chain operations in various companies. We will investigate the impact of blockchain technology in relation to efficiency and sustainability. As an example recently the operations in the airport industry have been improving due to technological advances as blockchain technology is handling all the information in the warehouses about product delivery and services in SCM. This technology allows companies to track all types of transactions more securely and transparently and blockchain technology shows benefits, especially in terms of improving Operational Management. The technological disruptions that have an effect on operations must include A-CDM (Airport collaborative decision-making) disruption management and there should be a collaborative network where everyone shares mutual trust and common culture in order to avoid disruption. Airports are still under research in terms of managing blockchain technology efficiently and effectively. The database which is decentralized causes the transactions to be transparent, reliable, traceable, and efficient to supply chain management. This article will be useful to understand the importance of blockchain technology for maintaining sustainability in the operations of SCM along with that we will take an example of SCM in the airport industry to understand how this technology is used there.W tym artykule om贸wiono g艂贸wny wp艂yw technologii blockchain na zr贸wnowa偶on膮 wydajno艣膰 w zarz膮dzaniu 艂a艅cuchem dostaw (SCM). Technologia blockchain to technologia, kt贸ra wykonuje kilka operacji, nie pozwalaj膮c na utrat臋 informacji. Ta cyfrowa technologia poka偶e potencja艂 do zarz膮dzania operacjami 艂a艅cucha dostaw w r贸偶nych firmach. Zbadamy wp艂yw technologii blockchain na wydajno艣膰 i zr贸wnowa偶ony rozw贸j. Przyk艂adowo,  operacje w bran偶y lotniskowej poprawiaj膮 si臋 dzi臋ki post臋powi technologicznemu, poniewa偶 technologia blockchain obs艂uguje wszystkie informacje w magazynach o dostawie produkt贸w i us艂ugach w SCM. Technologia ta pozwala firmom na bezpieczniejsze i bardziej przejrzyste 艣ledzenie wszystkich rodzaj贸w transakcji, a technologia blockchain przynosi korzy艣ci, zw艂aszcza w zakresie poprawy zarz膮dzania operacyjnego. Zak艂贸cenia technologiczne, kt贸re maj膮 wp艂yw na operacje, musz膮 obejmowa膰 zarz膮dzanie zak艂贸ceniami A-CDM (wsp贸lne podejmowanie decyzji w porcie lotniczym) oraz powinna istnie膰 sie膰 wsp贸艂pracy, w kt贸rej wszyscy podzielaj膮 wzajemne zaufanie i wsp贸ln膮 kultur臋, aby unikn膮膰 zak艂贸ce艅. Lotniska wci膮偶 s膮 przedmiotem bada艅 pod k膮tem wydajnego i efektywnego zarz膮dzania technologi膮 blockchain. Zdecentralizowana baza danych sprawia, 偶e transakcje s膮 przejrzyste, niezawodne, identyfikowalne i wydajne w zarz膮dzaniu 艂a艅cuchem dostaw. Ten artyku艂 b臋dzie przydatny do zrozumienia znaczenia technologii blockchain dla utrzymania zr贸wnowa偶onego rozwoju w operacjach SCM na przyk艂adzie SCM w bran偶y lotniskowej, aby zrozumie膰, w jaki spos贸b ta technologia jest tam wykorzystywana

    Closed Loop Supply Chain: Evaluating Ecological Footprint

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    Purpose:聽 The purpose of this research is to evaluate the success of the closed-loop E-waste supply chain operations, primarily focused on achieving sustainability objectives related to the manufacturing, distribution, reusing, and discarding of electrical components. Methodology: The supply chain operations reference model offers suggestions and benchmarking tools to monitor the performance of supply chains and enhance the processes. This study illustrates a conceptual framework to show how these standards could be used in the E-waste supply chain to link business processes, metrics, industry standards, and technology to enhance the relationship and coordination between the supply chain members and to increase sustainability throughout the supply chain. Findings: According to an assessment of the literature, insufficient attention has been paid to the SCOR model's sustainability criteria. Consequently, in the wake of portraying the structure of the Supply Chain Operation Reference model, we make sense of which credits should be included in the Supply Chain Operation Reference to reflect manageability and which cycles and practices are related to every standard or should be remembered for Supply Chain Operation Reference to lay out the connection between execution, cycles, and practices. Conclusions: When a company's supply chain has achieved a desirable degree of eco-friendliness in all regards, its performance will be improved and satisfactory from a sustainability perspectiv

    Corporate Social Responsibility through Collaboration in the Supply Chain: Insights into a More Sustainable Economy

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    Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a helpful tool in solving significant societal concerns in countries where there is a greater desire for social and economic growth, such as Pakistan. Methodology In order to examine the current issues on supply chain collaboration for sustainability, this paper used a triangulation research method. In order to determine indicators in a CSR-intensive environment, data, and literature, the energy sector publications on EUR-Lex, international and European official papers, and the online site of the European Commission data sources were analyzed in this study. The indicators were divided into groups based on their sources (sets of standards and guidelines, council frameworks, document series, tools, and comprehensive legislation), as well as their intended uses (financial, social, and environmental). Findings The findings state that supply chain collaboration completely fulfills CSR for a viable economy. It focuses on three leading fashion brands and assesses their impact using open-source data, past research, and their official websites. It also highlights how, in comparison to global corporations, Pakistani business satisfies their corporate social responsibility.聽 Conclusion It is concluded that a supply chain can help companies minimize the environmental impact of their supply chain processes. Further, CSR is a part of the supply chain that helps businesses determine their social and economic responsibilities by focusing on environmental aspects to add to a more sustainable economy

    Antecedents of Trust: A Case study between Karachi and Dubai Facebook Shoppers

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    In the adoption of online shopping, the main issue faced by consumers is the development of trust. Consumers are unable to physically examine the products before making a purchase. The study aims to find out the factors that develop trust in Facebook shopping through case study analysis.聽 A designed questionnaire was circulated to gather the data from participants. The participants included in the study were the shoppers of Facebook. An aggregate of 270 structured questionnaires was circulated in Karachi and Dubai out of which 225 were considered in the study. For the data analyses, demographic statistics frequency and bar chart and descriptive statistics, have been applied. The study concludes that online firms need to design separate strategies plus framework and for both the cities. Countries despite having similar cultural values vary greatly due to geographical distances. Online suppliers must focus on developing interpersonal trust by providing exchange and return policies to consumers that will reduce the risk to an extent and build trust between the store and Facebook shoppers

    The Impact of Faculty Empowerment on Organizational Learning Effectiveness

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    The study focuses on the employee empowerment and job satisfaction in the Universities of Pakistan. The methodology involved the data collection through survey questionnaires using random sampling technique from the faculty members in the Universities in Pakistan. SPSS was used for analyzing data and concluding results. Instrument reliability was pre-tested and reliability analysis were also conducted through Cronbach Aloha. Moreover, Independent T-test, ANOVA, regression and correlation analysis of the data was tested. The results show significant impact of the gender of the person on overall performance, empowerment upon the overall performance of the faculty in the learning organization like university in Pakistan